I don’t know where I started and how I ended this one

There is something disconcerting when life settles into a routine. Something about the certainty, the regularity, the familiarity of it all which makes me uncomfortable. Can’t help but I belong the species which get bored very very easily.

I wake up in the morning, sometimes to the sound of the Muezzin or sometimes hearing the scream of the pre-school kids. This is one of my favorite moments of the day. I get to see the break of dawn when I wake up early( ref: the Muezzin), watch the sky change its colours from orange to pink to a fresh blue and then bright daylight while I open my eyes at different intervals of time ( I sleep on and off then).
The pre-school kids are a noisy lot. But, its a pleasure to hear them squeal in excitement. There is some kid Rahul who seems to be hero among them all. So mostly I wake up to hear the kids screaming ‘Rahul, Rahul’.

After that its like my life is programmed, the routine nature of which repels me, but I have no way but move along with it. There are so many things which I’ve lost in ‘me’ and so many other things which I’ve gained.  Fending for yourself, living independently does teach you a lot of things in life. Its way too different from the secure walls of a hostel where all you had to care about was ‘how to piss the nuns off’ and ‘yet evade getting into their bad books’.

There is a new found sense of freedom but I’m not yet ready to venture out there. That protective shell which I refuse to discard. I’m with a new set of people, people from diverse backgrounds and I’m still figuring my way around them.

There is something about the way people modulate their voices that I’ve been observing these days. And it speaks volumes.  I guess I’m using those lessons on ‘tone judgment’ at the wrong place. But, still its experience that validates your gut instincts right?

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